7th International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (AB3C) and 3rd International Conference of the IberoAmerican Society for Bioinformatics (SoIBio)

The "X-meeting" is an annual event organized by the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (AB3C), this year with SoIBio, to provide a forum for Brazilian and international scientists to report on recent progresses and remarkable issues in the field. The meeting provides four venues for reports: lectures, thematic symposia, posters and technical sessions composed of elected papers.

Meeting: 12-15 October

Early registration: 12 18 September

Regular registration: 12 19 September   |   15 October

Poster abstracts: 8 July   |   12 19 23 September (New and final date!)

Paper track: 8 July   |   1 16 23 September (New date!)