LAST UPDATE: 25/08/08

Call for Papers and Posters

The "X-Meeting" is an annual event organized by the Associação Brasileira de Bioinformáica e Biologia Computacional (AB3C) to provide a forum for Brazilian and international scientists to report on recent progress and remarkable issues in the field.

We are expecting high quality original research poster and papers (including significant works-in progress) in any aspect of bioinformatics and computational biology, including the following areas:

  • Genomics; Sequence Analysis; Evolution and Phylogeny
  • Structural Bioinformatics; Molecular and Supramolecular Dynamics
  • Human Pathophysiology; Animal Models of Disease
  • Transcriptomics & Proteomics
  • Signaling and Metabolic Networking; Ontologies; Systems Biology
  • Databases & Data Integration; Text Mining & Information Extraction

Poster reviewers

Adriano Barbosa-Silva        Antônio de Miranda
Ariane Machado-Lima        Beatriz Stransky
Bruno Travençolo                Caio Veloso
Carlos Silveira                      Claudia Monteiro-Vitorello
Daiana Laat                          Daniella Bartholomeu
Diana Oliveira                      Fábio Passeti
Francisco Prosdoscimi        Glaura Franco
Glória Franco                       Jerônimo Ruiz
João Kogler                           Jorge Fernandez
José Miguel Ortega             Júlia da Cunha
Juliano Cury                         Júlio Lopes
Marcelo Brandão                 Marcelo Santoro
Márcia Borges                      Marcos Fontes
Maurício Kritz                      Maurício Mudado
Michael Waisberg                Nalvo Almeida
Nelson José F. da Silveira  Nestor Walter Trepode
Osmar Norberto de Souza Raquel Melo Minardi
Rodrigo Redondo                 Roosevelt da Silva
Sérgio Campos                     Thomas Otto
Walter de Azevedo Jr.

Call for Poster
Organizer: Priscila Grynberg
Submission Opening: June 2, 2008
Submission Deadline: July 30, 2008 (Closed)
Acceptance Date: August 14, 2008 (New Date!)

In addition to the "standard" poster sessions, the sixteen (16) best posters will be presented in Best Poster Session of about 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Three of the presented posters will receive a prize from AB3C/X-Meeting.

Instructions for submission
Authors should submit a one-page poster abstract (up to 750 words) to appear on the conference proceedings and web site. The authors should prepare the abstract following the X-meeting template (available here) , and convert it to pdf format. Only pdf format will be accepted.

A maximum of one poster per presenting author can be submitted. The presenting author of the poster must be present at the conference and be available at the poster session to present the poster.

Poster board dimensions are 1 meter wide x 1 meters high. AB3C X-Meeting will not offer tables for laptop computer demos during any poster session.

Advertisement poster will not be accepted.

All questions related to the AB3C X-Meeting poster session should be directed to:



Call for Papers
Organizers: José Carlos Mombach
  Eduardo M. Reis
  Roberto M. Cesar-Jr
Submission Opening: June 2, 2008
Submission Deadline: October 31, 2008
AB3C X-Meeting will publish in Genetics and Molecular Biology - GMB - of the Sociedade Brasileira de Genética. Those authors of submitted posters that are interested may submit, additionally to the poster, a full paper to the special issue. We emphasize that both the poster and the full-paper must be submitted in this case. Papers without poster will not be accepted. There will be no additional oral sections to present the paper during the meeting, only the poster sections. The full paper will be peer-reviewed and the best papers will appear in the special issue. We are expecting high quality original research papers (including significant works-in-progress) in any aspect of bioinformatics and computational biology, including the above defined areas.


The authors should follow the GMB format to prepare the paper:
Click here for instructions
All questions related to the AB3C X-Meeting paper submission should be directed to: jcmombach at gmail dot com

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