Congresso Brasileiro de Bioinformática: X-Meeting

X-meeting 2019 - 15th International Conference of the AB3C

Campos do Jordão, October 30th - November 01st


Bioinformatics is now a strategic area for Brazil and all Latin America and, therefore, it is also strategic to the development of Science, Technology and Economy. The X-Meeting is a Brazilian event with international reach which has an average of 300 participants. The Conference is an opportunity for students, researchers and companies to interact and diffuse knowledge.




Venue: All the events of this year will be held on the Campos do Jordão Convention Centre

Transportation: Campos do Jordão is approx. 133Km from São Paulo. We are organizing van transportation from the Guarulhos Airport. If you are interested, contact us . The transportation schedule will be released soon, 

Highlight Tracks: Have you published your research recently? Apply for an oral presentation spot at the Highlights Section.  This is a opportunity to increase the impact of your results and to find new research partners. Submition will open soon

Special Interest Groups: Do you want to organize a research meeting? There are plenty of rooms in the hotel to host meetings in first day of the meeting. Click here if you you want to propose one.

Lunch with a speaker:  Our speakers have large experience in writing grants, publishing papers and managing successful research in general. If you are a student you can sign up for the opportunity to have lunch with one of our speakers on October 6th and talk about research. This is for  students only and there will be a draw to decide who are the selected students and which speaker they will have lunch with. Registration will open soon.



Student's Group Meeting: This year we are hosting again the annual meeting of the Regional Student Group of the ISCB. This year's meeting will include student presentations. Information on how to register and submit will be available soon.